Resurfacing and improving children’s play areas

Telford & Wrekin Council is investing around £300,000 on replacing the rubber safety surfacing on 19 playgrounds as part of its 2019/20 Pride in Our Community improvement programme.

Resurfacing and improving children’s play areas

Changing weather conditions and repeated heavy use take their toll on the rubber playground surfaces and, whilst the council carries out routine repairs as part of its general maintenance of playgrounds, this additional investment will see 19 playgrounds fully resurfaced.

As well as being slip resistant and improving safety, the new rubber surfaces add to the play value. Made from recycled materials, they create a durable and environmentally-friendly all-weather surface.

All of the council’s 120 or so play areas are checked annually by the Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents (Rospa), a charity which aims to save lives and prevent life-changing injuries which occur as a result of accidents. Its annual reports help the council monitor the quality of play areas in the borough and identify any that need maintenance or improvement work.

So far 15 of the borough’s most popular play areas have been resurfaced. These include ones in Dawley Park, Bowring Park, Culmington, Downmead, Ketley Recreation Ground, Malinslee Centre, Millfields, Milners Lane, Portley Road, The Humbers, Sutton Hill Centre, Hills Lane, Grooms Alley and Gower Street.

The next to be done are in Park Lane Centre, Severn Drive, The Spar at Woodside, Watling Community Centre and Millstream Way.

As well as resurfacing, there will also be an activity trail on footpaths leading to 12 of the play areas.

Councillor Hilda Rhodes, Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet member for parks, green spaces and the natural environment, said: “These playgrounds are well used by local families and visitors, so a bit of wear and tear is to be expected. I have been out to see the play area in Millfields which has just been done, and it looks great and will provide a nice soft landing for youngsters. It will also be easier to maintain and last a while.”

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