New Princes End play area re-opens

Another play area in the borough has been improved by Telford & Wrekin Council providing children of all abilities with access to a safe, high-quality playground.

New Princes End play area re-opens

Princes End in Dawley is the latest play area to have new, more accessible equipment installed and existing equipment refurbished made safer.

It now features equipment suitable for a wider range of ages and abilities. It includes a parent and child swing seat and a basket swing which can be used by children with disabilities. There is a wheelchair accessible roundabout and access to the slide as well a toddler multi-play unit. 

Located on the open space between Husselbee Crescent and Princes End, the new enhanced play area can now be found next to the existing multi-use games area (around 60 meters from its original location). The new area offers a larger more open space for residents to enjoy.  

Councillor Carolyn Healy (Lab) Cabinet member for climate action, green spaces, heritage and leisure commented: “As a council we are on the side of all residents, including our young people, and that’s why we continue to invest in a number of other play areas across the borough. Parks are at the heart of our communities. They are places for us to meet, play, exercise and relax and they are important for a child’s development. I’m delighted that this upgrade has delivered a high-quality play area with new equipment, meaning even more of our young people can enjoy it.”

Councillor Elise Davies (Lab), Ward member for Malinslee & Dawley Bank said: “Local play park facilities like Princes End are vital to all communities. This play area is a well-used community resource for children and families, and it’s fantastic to see the work that’s been done to make the area even better for our residents. We’re delighted to see the work completed and ready for our youngest residents to enjoy!”

As a part of the work a new, more accessible pathway leading to Princes End will also be introduced to improve access to the park for all residents. 

Other work includes adding two new park seating benches inside the play area and a series of work to cut back vegetation to ensure the area is safer for residents. 

The work has been funded by contributions from local housing developers. 

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