Popular Telford walking and cycling route gets further improvements

Telford & Wrekin Council has completed the latest stage of improvements to the Silkin Way, delivering on one of the 16 commitments set out in the local authority’s ‘100 day plan’ which was published following elections in May.

Popular Telford walking and cycling route gets further improvements

The improvement works have been carried out along the full 14 miles of the popular Silkin Way walking and cycling route which forms a green corridor between Bratton in the north and Coalport in the south.

The enhancement project began in November 2022 with the installation of improved signage and way-markers, benches, bike parking ‘hoops’ and general maintenance to smoothen the path’s surface.

More recently, the project has seen new solar-powered street lights added along the northern part of the route, where this technology is being trialled for efficiency, with potential for further roll-out. CCTV cameras have also been added along the route.

The enhancements are the outcome of a public consultation which reinforced the council’s ideas for improvements. Residents and visitors confirmed that they would like to see benches and bike parking facilities added, better way-marking to make it easier and more enjoyable to explore the route, improved security delivered through street lighting and cameras to help them feel safer.

Route users also requested improved road crossing points, which the council says will be addressed in the next phase of the project.

The Silkin Way enhancement project will see a total of £800,000 invested into improvements to the walking and cycling path, which the council hopes will encourage more people to use it for commuting and traveling within the borough, reducing unnecessary car journeys.

The council’s investment into encouraging more walking and cycling, also known as ‘active travel’, received a further boost recently with the news that the local authority has secured £1.9m from central government to deliver a scheme that will upgrade walking and cycling infrastructure between Oakengates and Telford town centre.

Cllr Lee Carter (Lab), cabinet member for place (the economy & neighbourhood services), said:

“The more we can do to reduce the need for car journeys in the borough the better. Walking or cycling carries so many benefits. Not only does it mean improved air quality and less carbon going into the atmosphere, but when you walk or cycle you also get to enjoy more of our borough’s hidden green spaces, you improve your physical fitness, and you can find a calm, mindful moment without the stress of driving.

“That’s why I’m so pleased we’re delivering these schemes to make it easier and more enjoyable for everyone to use active travel routes like the Silkin Way.”

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