Playground investment vital for children’s health

More community play areas have been improved by Telford & Wrekin Council providing children of all abilities with access to a safe, high-quality playground.

Playground investment vital for children’s health

Play areas at Tweedale Crescent in Madeley, Dallamoor in Hollinswood and Sutton Hill Centre are the latest to have new, more accessible equipment installed or existing equipment made safer. Work to improve Fallow Deer Lawn playground in Newport is also well underway.

Sutton Hill Centre is an example of how Telford & Wrekin Council is providing equipment that children with a range of disabilities can enjoy. Children in wheelchairs and parents with prams can go on the new trampoline, for example. Other new pieces, such as the basket swing and see-saw, are set at a height that allows a wheelchair to be positioned right next to them, so a child can be lifted on to the equipment.

Improving a further four playgrounds across the borough within the first 100 days of the local elections was one of the promises the council made to residents. There are 16 priorities in the 100-day action plan setting out what the council will do to make life better for all residents.

The latest projects are part of an ongoing programme to deliver new and refurbished play facilities which will challenge children physically and stimulate their imagination. The council has also completed play areas at Dawley Park, Donnington recreation ground, as well as skate parks in Wombridge and Teece Drive, Priorslee, among others.

Councillor Carolyn Healy, cabinet member for climate action, green spaces, heritage and leisure said:

“I’m really proud of our community playgrounds and skate parks and the fact we are making our play facilities more accessible for children of all abilities wherever possible.

“At a time when budgets for councils across the country are shrinking, and when the cost of play equipment is increasing, we’re doing all we can to invest in new and existing facilities.

“We want every child in Telford and Wrekin to enjoy free, outdoor playgrounds because it is vital for their development. Giving children opportunities for somewhere safe to play, that is on their doorstep, will help tackle soaring childhood obesity rates and mental health issues.

“This is why improving more community play facilities was a key commitment this council made and I’m delighted we have delivered on that promise.”

The latest play improvements have been funded through the council’s £750,000 On Your Side investment programme.

Dallamoor and Tweedale Crescent playgrounds have been refurbished with existing equipment made even safer. A new path has also been laid and gates installed at either end of Tweedale play area, with passing places for wheelchairs and buggies, making it easier for all users to access.

Photo: Councillor Carolyn Healy, cabinet member for climate action, green spaces, heritage and leisure with Beth Doyle and Rosie Anslow at the refurbished Tweedale Crescent playground in Madeley.

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