Letting agency IHomes fined following a successful prosecution by Telford & Wrekin Council

Telford & Wrekin Council is continuing to take action against letting agents and rogue landlords who fail to meet important safety conditions at the properties they rent.

Letting agency IHomes fined following a successful prosecution by Telford & Wrekin Council

On 30 November 2023, IHomes Letting Limited pleaded guilty to all seven offences at trial, sitting at the Telford Magistrates Court. 

The letting agency was fined £16,970 for failing to meet a number of important safety regulations in a House in Multiple Occupation. 

IHomes prosecution follows an inspection at the property in Sutton Hill carried out by the council’s 

Private Sector Housing Team as part of the Safer Streets Sutton Hill Project. 

During the inspection, a number of defects were identified, which were in breach of the Houses in Multiple Occupation legislation and the Housing Health and Safety Rating System. 

These included disrepair of the external brickwork to the rear garden patio, plastic cladding hanging off the gable end of the property, the bricked retaining wall leaning to the right of the entrance steps and multiple disrepair issues in the kitchen including, torn and lifted floor covering and rotten kitchen cupboards.

IHomes Letting Limited failed to protect those living at the House in Multiple Occupation from the risk of injury arising from the poor conditions. 

On a follow up inspection, the defects identified on the first inspection remained, resulting in IHomes being served with a notification letter requiring action to remedy the defects. 

Despite receiving warning letters, the letting agency failed to remedy the breaches, which resulted in the council bringing prosecution action. 

Councillor Richard Overton (Labour), Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Homes & Enforcement said: 

“The safety of our residents is paramount to our council. Letting agents and landlords who fail to provide essential safety conditions in their properties endanger their tenants.

“Our council’s housing enforcement team plays a vital role in ensuring people in rented accommodations across the borough have a safe and secure property to live in.

“The recent prosecution of iHomes shows that our council is well prepared to hold letting agents accountable when needed, supporting tenants in Telford and Wrekin with their concerns.”

The council encourages people to report concerns about rogue landlords and letting agents on the council’s website

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