Council’s investment in digital devices helps eligible residents to be cared for at home

Telford and Wrekin Council is helping eligible residents to get the care they need in the comfort of their own home, by staying connected with their care provider through easy-to-use digital devices.

The digital devices called “Ethel” are currently being piloted by the Council with a couple of care providers in the borough, before being expanded to more providers over the coming months.

Councillor Andy Burford (Labour), Cabinet Member for Adult social care and health, integration and transformation, said: 

“We are on the side of our residents, we want as many of them as possible to enjoy life longer in the comfort of their own home. 

“As such, we are among a handful of councils in the country working with care provides to pilot the use of “Ethel” digital devices.

“These devices help residents recovering from an illness to get the care they need at home, by staying digitally connected with their care provider. 

“Through regular virtual calls with their carers, eligible residents are being prompted to take their medications, are given tailored advice and guidance to perform tasks independently and many other facilities.  This helps to reduce their social isolation and enhances their independence, also providing peace of mind and reassurance for their families.

 “If the trial is successful, the Ethel digital devices will be rolled out to more care providers in the borough, as part of a £368,000 “On Your Side” Council’s investment over the next five years.”

Coral Chaproniere, Area Manager at Supreme Home Care said: 

“Ethel digital devices are very easy to use, it’s just one button to press to answer a call. 

“We have already used Ethel with a client.  She didn’t want a carer in her home so she found it really useful to have video calls with the carer via Ethel instead.

“The use of Ethel digital devices doesn’t replace physical care, so people who need physical support from our carers will continue to receive it. It’s people who are able to and wish to be more independent that can mostly benefit from Ethel.”

Tracy Willetts-Perrins, Owner of Brockton Care said: “We welcome Telford & Wrekin Council’s initiative in electronic devices enabling people to be more independent.

“Some of our clients live on their own, so to actually have a carer pop-up on an Ethel device, who enquires about how they are and guides them through performing tasks independently throughout the day would be really useful.”

If you are a care provider in Telford and Wrekin, please get in touch with the Council’s social care team on to find out more about the Ethel digital devices scheme and how it can help enhance the lives of residents you care for.

Photo: Councillor Andy Burford (Labour), Cabinet Member for Adult social care and health, integration and transformation, with an Ethel device at the Independent Living Centre in central Telford

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