Free bulky waste collections and extended opening times for recycling centres to tackle fly tipping

A free bulky waste collection service is being trialled in eight areas of Telford and Wrekin that have seen the highest number of fly tips over the last year.

Free bulky waste collections and extended opening times for recycling centres to tackle fly tipping

*Updated at 2pm, 22 March 2021*

Across the country, there has been a significant increase in fly tipping since the pandemic began.  The latest figures for Telford and Wrekin show that there were 7,653 reports of fly tips in 2020, up from 3,594 the year before.

Telford & Wrekin Council’s enforcement team actively investigates reported fly tips and issues warnings and £400 fixed penalty notices. Warning signs and CCTV have also been put up in hotspots to deter fly tippers.

As well as ramping up enforcement during 2021, the Council is providing 225 free bulky waste collections from 6 April to 16 April for households in areas which have had the highest number of reported fly tips, and extending the opening times at its household recycling centres to 8am-6pm daily from 22 March to 6 June. 

Cllr Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet member for neighbourhood services, said: “We are hoping that the extended opening times and increased capacity will make it easier for residents to dispose of their household recycling and waste and help reduce queuing times.  With the extended opening hours and free bulky waste collections, we also hope to see a reduction in the number of fly tips that are blighting our borough.”

Areas being offered free bulky waste collections are Brookside, Dawley & Aqueduct, Donnington, Hadley & Leegomery, Madeley & Sutton Hill, Malinslee & Dawley Bank, The Nedge and Woodside.

Cllr Richard Overton, Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet member for enforcement, said: “Fly tipping is unacceptable and we are doing all we can to tackle the issue and take action against offenders. 

“At the same time though, we realise that fly tips have a negative impact on local neighbourhoods which isn’t fair on those residents who take pride in where they live. This is why we are providing free collections to the areas with the highest number of fly tips.”

The 225 free bulky collections are being offered on a first come, first serve basis and are limited to one collection of up to six items per household in the areas specified.  Booking opened from 9am on Monday 22 March and by lunchtime all free slots had gone. The council is now looking at options for extending the offer after it has had time to review the take up and impact it is likely to have.

Residents aged 65 years and over and those with a long standing illness or disability continue to receive one free bulk collection a year. Current discounts for residents in receipt of Council Tax Support or Housing benefit as well as Telford Loyalty Card holders also continue to be available. More information and to book here.

Planning to visit Halesfield and Hortonwood recycling centres? In accordance with Government guidelines, social distancing must be observed for everyone’s safety. Visitors are also advised to wear face coverings during their visit. More information, including view the queue cameras, here.

If you spot a fly tip, see rubbish being dumped or know someone who is doing it, please report it here


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