GCSE results success

Students in Telford and Wrekin are celebrating success as a number of schools in the borough have again seen an improvement in this year’s GCSE results.

The Charlton School has seen an increase of 8% in the number of students achieving a grade 5 or above in both Maths and English.

Madeley Academy saw in increase in the number of students achieving a grade 4 or above in both English and Maths.  This year, 80% achieved a grade 4 or above in English, which is an increase from last year’s result and above the national figure.

Burton Borough School in Newport saw more than 75% of its students achieve a grade 4 or above in English this year. The school also celebrated the success of 5 of its students who between them achieved 47 grades at 7 to 9.

Newport Girls High continued their success with 100% of students achieving a grade 5 or above in both Maths and English.

Councillor Shirley Reynolds, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for Children, Young People and Education, said: “I would like to congratulate and thank the borough’s pupils, their families, our school staff and governors for another excellent set of results.

“I would also like to wish everyone who took their GCSEs this year every success with the future, whether they go on to do A-Levels, do a vocational qualification or leave school to start their working lives.”

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