Holly Project launches in Wellington

The Holly Project, a free, independent support service for survivors of child sexual exploitation (CSE) funded by Telford & Wrekin Council, officially launched in Wellington this week.

Holly Project launches in Wellington

Partners from across the borough joined their launch at the YMCA Wellington in Tan Bank to hear more about the project and their plans for the future.

The Holly Project is run by CSE survivors, the Holly Workers, and aims to offer a safe place for people who have experienced the trauma and impact of CSE. It plans to work with them on a one to one basis and help them rebuild their lives in whatever way suits them best. 

Councillor Lee Carter, cabinet member and local ward member, said:“Keeping children and young people safe from harm is the most important thing Telford & Wrekin Council does. However we can’t do this on our own, which is why working in partnership is so important.

“The Holly Project has been born out of need and all credit goes to the Holly Workers for the strength and character they have shown in getting it off the ground. It’s a huge and positive step in the right direction and I’m delighted that Telford & Wrekin Council is able to fund it for the first six months.”

The Holly Project said: “We are committed to making a difference and providing a safe place for CSE survivors and their families. 

“We are funded by and working in partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council and are grateful for their support.”

To contact The Holly Project call 01952  947831 or email hollyproject@ymcawellington.co.uk

If your child is in immediate danger call 999 or if you have concerns or suspicions call 101.  

Alternatively, call Family connect, part of Telford & Wrekin Council, on 01952 385385 or visit www.tell-someone.org/home a campaign to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation within the region.

Pictured: Matt Weaver chairman of the YMCA Wellington, Inspector Gary Wade, Mandie Mulloy the CEO of the YMCA, Cllr Angela McClements, Cllr Lee Carter and Mayor Cllr Raj Mehta.

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