St George’s highway project progressing on time and on budget.

A highways project to upgrade a junction in St George’s has been progressing on time and on budget.

St George’s highway project progressing on time and on budget.

The infrastructure has been completed which will support new traffic lights on the B5061 Holyhead Road at the junctions of Furnace Road and St Georges, making crossing the road safer for cyclists and pedestrians. 

The new junction will improve safety and accessibility across Holyhead Road for pedestrians, cyclists and will also link residents around St Georges with the Silkin Way and routes to the town centre, while also giving drivers better access to and from Furnace Road.

Touchless sensors, being used for the first time in Telford and Wrekin, make use of the latest technology and will allow people with impairments to interact easier with controls at the junction and other functions will help manage traffic slows. Footpaths have also been widened and other safety measures are also in progress including the retaining wall and footpath barriers.

The project is currently on track and will be completed on time and on budget with resurfacing scheduled for the end of the programme.  

Telford and Wrekin Council has been ranked one of the top areas in the country for overall satisfaction with highway and transport services and first in the West Midlands, as announced by the National Highways and Transport Network this year - despite a record 21per cent cut to funding it receives from Government to maintain local roads.

As part of the council’s investment programme to ‘Protect, Care and Invest to create a better borough’, between 2020 and 2024, £50m has been ploughed into keeping neighbourhoods safe, clean and well connected. 

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