Residents invited to ‘Meet Shaun’ in Donnington

Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council Shaun Davies will be hosting his next face to face resident event in Donnington later in May.

Residents invited to ‘Meet Shaun’ in Donnington

Shaun hopes to meet residents to answer their questions as a part of his in-person question and answer sessions.

The event offers people the chance to talk to Councillor Davies and find out more about the council’s plans to protect, care and invest to create a better borough. 

Residents can also bring along their ideas or discuss any concerns about key issues in their local area.  

The morning session will take place on Friday 17 May, between 10am and 11.30am, at Costa in Asda, Donnington. 

No appointments are required, residents are invited to drop in at any time during the 90-minute session and talk to Shaun on a 1:2:1 basis.

Councillor Shaun Davies commented: “Getting out and about in Telford and Wrekin listening to residents is what I love to do most, and I am very much looking forward to visiting Donnington in a few weeks’ time. These in person sessions continue to be so valuable - I hope people will once again come and talk to me about any issues they are experiencing or to raise a question. There’s no requirement to book a slot please just come along at a time which suits you.”

This is the Leader’s 12th resident session since June 2023. Events have taken place right across the borough at different times of the week - including school holidays - to make them as accessible as possible for residents.  

1.June – Newport 

2.June - ONLINE

3.July - Dawley

4.September – Wellington 

5.October – Oakengates  

6.October – ONLINE 

7.November - Madeley

8.December – Hadley 

9.January – Lightmoor 

10. February – Telford centre 

11. March – Jackfield 

12. May – Donnington 

To see a full list of dates and time please visit: 

Other ways of keeping in touch with the council leader include on Facebook and Twitter by following @cllrshaundavies or signing up to the leader’s weekly email update which lands in thousands of resident’s inboxes every Friday. 

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