Likely location of new Captain Matthew Webb Swimming Pool revealed

Telford & Wrekin Council have announced that talks are underway with The Telford Langley School around a new Telford & Wrekin Council owned swimming pool being built at the school site.

Likely location of new Captain Matthew Webb Swimming Pool revealed

The proposed site will see a number of benefits for residents in the borough which include: 

•a new central swimming facility so that more people can enjoy the benefits of physical exercise closer to home 

•a convenient location for local primary schools to access a pool for swimming lessons required as part of the national curriculum 

•a pool facility to complement and expand the Telford & Wrekin Council run sport and leisure facilities already located at The Telford Langley School. 

Making extra swimming facilities available in the borough is hugely important to the health of local people. Swim England state that swimming helped to prevent more than 78,500 cases of ill health in 2022* in England. 

The pool will be open for use by the general public as well as local schools, complementing Telford & Wrekin Leisure’s wider swimming offer, giving more opportunities to learn to swim and a pool that caters for different levels of ability.   

Telford & Wrekin Council Leader Councillor Shaun Davies (Lab) said: 

“This is an exciting opportunity to work with Telford Langley School to explore options on this site for the Captain Mathew Webb Swimming Pool. This is our preferred location for the site with options to share leisure facilities here and provide access to swimming for pupils as well as members of the public. 

The new pool will mean that more children can learn to swim – an essential life skill but also a great way to keep fit and have fun. There will also be family swimming sessions, lane swimming, water-based exercise classes and general public swimming. 

Not only this, swimming has a wider impact on communities, with Swim England estimating that the social value of swimming is £2.4billion in England - reducing crime, improving social and community development, improving life satisfaction and physical and mental health. It is these benefits that we also want our residents to enjoy”. 

*Swim England APSE  (Association of Public Service Excellence) Future of Swimming 




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