Council takes on works to make Royal Victoria Hotel safe

Telford & Wrekin Council have instructed a team to make a dangerous hotel building safe after the owner failed to meet a court deadline to take action.

Council takes on works to make Royal Victoria Hotel safe

Following an ongoing investigation by the council and an inspection by the Health and Safety Executive, Telford Magistrates Court gave the owner of the Royal Victoria Hotel in Newport until 21 February to make the building and its supporting structures safe.

A spokesperson for Telford & Wrekin Council said: “Despite early progress made to address the safety issues by the owner, progress stalled and we were notified that his contractors had been put on hold. 

“Alternative proposals since put forward by the owner are not supported by any qualified and competent person.

“As a result, the council has now instructed the works to be completed in accordance with the relevant regulations so that we can ensure the work done is appropriate, and most importantly, that it is safe.”

The road and footpath directly outside the hotel have been temporarily closed as part of an exclusion zone in the interests of public safety.

Businesses in St. Mary’s Street remain open.

The spokesperson continued: “We know that the exclusion zone may impact local businesses and that this work is urgent. We will confirm a date for the start of the work shortly. 

“Please continue to shop local and support them. You can get to all of the businesses on St. Mary’s Street on foot and the nearest car park is New Street Car Park.”

Failure by the owner to comply with the Magistrates order means that the council will look to recover the cost of repairs from the owner. It is also a criminal offence and the council will pursue this matter.  

The responsibility of any property is the land owners. When purchasing a statutory protected building, the owners are becoming a custodian of a piece of English History, and they have responsibilities to take care of the premises during their time of ownership.  The council will continue to use other enforcement powers in the long term to safeguard the building.  

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