Are you worried about someone? Don't sit in silence.

Telford & Wrekin Council has sought to reassure the borough’s children and young people that they still have a voice despite the coronavirus outbreak.

Are you worried about someone? Don't sit in silence.

The new campaign aims to help channel reports and referrals of young people at risk of harm to the council’s Family Connect helpline. This also includes other ways that someone can report a young person who they believe is at risk.

As a council that protects and cares for its residents and has children and young people at the forefront of priorities, it wants to highlight to everybody that it’s vital if you see a child at risk, do not sit in silence. 

Family Connect is a free, confidential service providing, impartial advice, information, guidance and support on a full range of children's services available across the borough including childcare, activities, school admissions and finance. Family Connect aims to ensure that families are getting the right help at the right time.

Councillor Shirley Reynolds, the council’s cabinet member for Children, Young People, Education and Lifelong Learning, said “Right now, we must recognise it is everybody’s responsibility to not sit back and speak up if they think or see something involving a young person they don’t feel is right.”

“At the same time, we want to reassure young people and children that we are here and will listen to them - there is as a safe place they can turn to in confidence.”

“There are other sources of support available to them as well as Family Connect and it is vital young people and those around them know this and use these when they need or see something that’s not right.

“We all have a part to play.”

Children and young people can contact Family Connect in confidence anytime online can call on 01952 385385.

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