Cabinet accepts Inquiry’s Terms of Reference

Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet has accepted the Terms of Reference for the Independent Inquiry Telford Child Sexual Exploitation (IITCSE) at its meeting on Thursday 11 July 2019.

Cabinet accepts Inquiry’s Terms of Reference

The Inquiry Terms of Reference are critical as they define the extent and complexity of the inquiry’s work.

They were drawn up by the Independent Commissioning Body with input from the Inquiry chair, following close working with survivors and public consultation which ran between Tuesday 11 June and Friday 5 July.

The Council’s Members Advisory Group, which includes survivors representatives, were asked to consider the draft Terms of Reference at their meeting on 9 July. Comments made during the meeting informed the final version of the terms of reference that the Cabinet considered and agreed.

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet lead, said: “The Inquiry has made significant steps forward in recent weeks with the appointment of the Independent Inquiry Chair Tom Crowther and now it has its Terms of Reference.

“Survivors and those working with them have been involved in the approval process of the inquiry Terms of Reference as well as the public who were given an opportunity to comment and engage with the Independent Commissioning Body throughout the process.
“With this now in place we look forward to the Inquiry starting as soon as possible.”
The Terms of Reference are published here

For more information about the Independent Inquiry Telford Child Sexual Exploitation (IITCSE) please visit the Independent Inquiry website:

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Cabinet accepts Inquiry’s Terms of Reference

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