Members Advisory Group to consider Inquiry’s Terms of Reference

The Child Sexual Exploitation Inquiry Members Advisory Group will meet on Tuesday 9 July where they will be asked to comment on the final terms of reference for the inquiry and a report on the design of the inquiry process before Cabinet meets to formally receive the terms of reference on behalf of the Council on 11 July 2019.

Members Advisory Group to consider Inquiry’s Terms of Reference

The draft Inquiry Terms of Reference are being drawn up by the Independent Commissioning Body for Independent Inquiry Telford Child Sexual Exploitation, IITCSE, with input from the Inquiry chair, following a public consultation on these Terms of Reference which ends on Friday 5 July.

More information about the public consultation on the Terms of Reference are on the Independent Inquiry website:

Jonathan Eatough, Assistant Director Governance, Procurement & Commissioning, said: “Following the appointment of the inquiry independent chair in June, the first task for the Commissioning Body is to set the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference and design the inquiry process”.

“The public consultation began very shortly after the chair’s appointment last month. It ends on Friday 5 July allowing the public, victims and survivors and other groups to give their views on the independent inquiry’s terms of reference which will be key to helping ensure that the inquiry progresses. Once the consultation is complete the Council will publish the draft Terms of Reference drawn up by the Commissioning Body prior to the meeting.”

The meeting starts at 6pm on 9 July and will be webcast live here

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