Update on Independent Inquiry into child sexual exploitation

Bidding closes at the end of this month to become the Commissioning Body for the Independent Inquiry in to child sexual exploitation in Telford.

Update on Independent Inquiry into child sexual exploitation

The evaluation of the bids will take place during November with survivor representatives invited to observe the process.  Telford & Wrekin Council expects the contract to start at the beginning of December.    Once the Commissioning Body has been appointed, they will decide what the inquiry will look in to, along with the Survivors’ Committee, and select the Independent Chair.

The Survivors’ Committee has been an integral part of the council-commissioned Independent Inquiry throughout the process, ensuring that the legal documents were amended to take into account their experiences.

The committee has written some terms of reference about what they most want the inquiry to look at and these will be given to the Commissioning Body once it has been appointed.

A Holly Project spokesperson said: “The Holly Project has a representative on the survivors committee and has been part of the commissioning process.  It’s important to us that this inquiry isn’t rushed and vital that the council has taken the time to appoint the right organisation, who we hope will provide the answers survivors are looking for.”

Councillor Lee Carter, cabinet member responsible for the Independent Inquiry, said: “We have gone through a rigorous process to get to this stage and I’m optimistic that we will be able to appoint a very credible organisation to become the Commissioning Body for this landmark inquiry.  I’m grateful to everyone who has helped to get us to this position and especially the victims and survivors who attended the bidders’ day and who have been a crucial part of the process.”

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