Support at heart of All Age Carers Strategy

Telford & Wrekin Council, together with partners, have received cabinet member approval to seek feedback in a public consultation for the draft All Age Carers Strategy.

Support at heart of All Age Carers Strategy

The agreed consultation has been approved by Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet on Thursday 11 April to move forward to a nine-week public consultation, beginning on 18 April 2024.

The All Age Carers Strategy sets out the vision for carers across the borough for the next five years, and acts as a commitment to providing services for carers of all ages from our youngest to oldest residents. In order to support carers in a way that is impactful and meaningful, the strategy has been developed by the council and its partners - Telford and Wrekin CVS, Telford & Wrekin All Age Carers Centre, NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System – so systems borough-wide can work together to provide carers with the support they need.

The consultation process will invite carers of all ages to share their experiences, insights, and recommendations so that local services can cater to their needs. By working with carers to develop the All Age Carers Strategy, the council and its partners aim to foster a collaborative approach that reflects the diverse perspectives and priorities of the local carer community.

The feedback gathered will shape the final version of the strategy and help inform the action plan to deliver it - helping carers to feel recognised, valued, supported and have a life of their own, no matter their age or need.

Cllr Paul Watling, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Systems, said: “Both Health and Social Care have a responsibility to ensure our systems in Telford and Wrekin are working for our diverse carers across the board.

“With 1 in 10 residents – around 18,026 people - providing unpaid care, it is important that their work is recognised and that they feel valued.

“This consultation will give carers of all ages the opportunity to tell us how we can help make a positive difference to their lives.”

Cllr Kelly Middleton, Cabinet Member for Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities and Partnerships, said: “Prevention and early intervention are key factors to help avoid the need for care and support.

“This includes providing information and advice, supporting with mental health and wellbeing, promoting healthy and active lifestyles, and reducing loneliness and isolation.

“Having the strategy in place means we can continue to support carers now and into the future to live well in the borough.”

Cllr Shirley Reynolds, Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Young People, commented: “We recognise that we have a range of carers in the borough from children and young people through to adults.

“With this in mind, we will work with carers to influence, shape and design the support that they need, ensuring support is accessible, affordable, varied and reaching communities where it is most needed.

“That is why your feedback is so important in representing the caring community as a whole – please do get involved.”

People will be invited to share their views on the draft All Age Carers Strategy via an online survey from the launch on Thursday 18 April. Paper copies of the survey will be made available upon request via or collected from Wellington Civic Centre, Southwater Library and Park Lane as well as other community centres across the borough.

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