Exciting Opportunity: £500 Grants Available for Young People

Telford & Wrekin Council is pleased to announce the launch of 'The Leader and Cabinet Members’ Young Person Grant 2024', aimed at empowering young residents of the borough to advance in their careers.

Exciting Opportunity: £500 Grants Available for Young People

In its ninth iteration, and second cyclefor 2024, this grant offers financial support of up to £500 to youngindividuals striving to enter education, secure employment, or pursue trainingopportunities. It also extends to those looking to engage in extracurricularactivities to enrich their learning and personal growth.


To qualify for the grant, applicants mustlive in Telford and Wrekin, or be a child in care or care leaver residingoutside the borough. Applicants must also be aged 15 (Year 11) to 25 years oldat the close of the application period.


Applicants are required to demonstratehow the grant will enable them to overcome existing barriers hindering theiraccess to education, employment, or training. Funding is also available forbudding entrepreneurs in need of initial investment.


Councillor Shaun Davies, Leader ofTelford & Wrekin Council (Lab), said: “I’m thrilled we are able to offer tothis grant opportunity to the youngest residents of our borough once again.Over the years, 577 young people have been awarded a total of £136,116 whichhas made a huge difference to their lives.


“While we are looking forward tocelebrating the latest recipients of the award on Thursday (21 March) evening,we’re excited to hear more about the creative and engaging ways our youngpeople are thinking about the future.

“It’s a real privilege to be a helpinghand for young people and to see how a relatively small amount of money canmake such a big impact.”


Councillor Shirley Reynolds, CabinetMember for Early Years, Children and Young People (Lab) said, “All of our youngpeople deserve the chance to explore the dream career they want withoutanything holding them back. The Young Person Grant can make that possible forour youngest residents.


“We invite all eligible candidates toapply and look forward to hearing about the creative approaches they are takingto their future education and careers. So, to not miss the deadline, weencourage entrants to submit their applications early. We look forward toreading them!”


Applications are now open and will closeat 5pm on Friday 24th May 2024. Start your application at www.telford.gov.uk/ypg.

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