Statement from the Leader of the Council following the Prime Minister's comments on Future Fit

Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council, Councillor Shaun Davies said: “Clinicians are not responsible for making all of these decisions and not all of them are in support of the proposals. "

Statement from the Leader of the Council following the Prime Minister's comments on Future Fit

He continued: “Trust Board papers from 2016 set out in black and white that clinicians felt that keeping the Women & Children’s Unit at the Princess Royal was the only viable option. There was also a clear majority in favour of the emergency centre being at the Princess Royal. 

“This seems to have been conveniently forgotten and Future Fit plans continue to be pushed through.

“The health secretary has the power to review the decisions being made. Matt Hancock, the health secretary in 2019, used this power and gave the plans the green light. 

“The world has changed significantly since then, not least the lasting impact of a pandemic and a cost of living crisis on health inequalities, as well as new census data showing Telford & Wrekin to have one the fasted ageing and growing populations in the country. We wrote to the new health Secretary, Steve Barclay, six months ago to ask for Mr. Hancock’s decision to be reconsidered and there has not even been the courtesy of a reply. I am glad that the Prime Minister is aware of the issue and will be writing to him personally to ask for the government’s response.”

Read the letter to the Prime Minister

The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak 

The Prime Minister

House of Commons




29 September 2023

Dear Prime Minister


I was pleased to hear in your BBC Radio Shropshire interview yesterday that you are aware of controversial plans to downgrade emergency services at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.

In a nutshell, these plans will see Telford’s hospital lose its 24 hour A&E and its Women and Children’s Unit as it becomes a centre for some planned care. As a result, Telford will become the largest town in England without a full A&E service.

Residents of Telford and Wrekin have been opposed to these plans since they were conceived in 2014. I personally delivered a petition signed by nearly 23,000 residents to Number 10 in January.

I noted with interest in your interview that you suggest the decision making around hospital transformation plans is the responsibility of local clinicians, overseen by NHS England.

Local clinicians have indeed been involved in the process, but they are not solely responsible for the decisions being made and not all of them are in support of the plans.

Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust board papers from 2016 set out in black and white that clinicians felt keeping the Women and Children’s Unit at the Princess Royal was the only viable option. There was also a clear majority in favour of the emergency centre being at the Princess Royal. 

This seems to have been conveniently forgotten and Future Fit plans continue to be pushed through.

The Health Secretary has the power to review the decisions being made. Matt Hancock MP used this power and gave the plans the green light in 2019. 

The world has changed significantly since then, not least the lasting impact of a pandemic and a cost of living crisis on health inequalities, as well as new census data showing Telford and Wrekin as having one the fastest ageing and growing populations in the country. 

We wrote to the new Health Secretary, Steve Barclay MP, six months ago to ask for Mr. Hancock’s decision to be revisited and there has not yet been the courtesy of a reply, despite it being minuted that the issue was considered by the Independent Review Panel on 11 July.

On behalf of our residents, I urge you to intervene to ensure the matter is given the attention it deserves and to confirm whether the Health Secretary will reconsider Future Fit plans.

Yours sincerely

Cllr Shaun Davies

Leader- Telford & Wrekin Council

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