Action taken after taxi safety checks

Taxi drivers have been stopped for vehicle safety checks in a successful operation between Telford & Wrekin Council and West Mercia Police.

Action taken after taxi safety checks

The stops were carried out to check if the vehicles were safe and displaying the correct signage and the drivers were wearing their identity badges.

Four taxis pulled over were licensed by a neighbouring authority and three were found to have faults. One had a worn tyre and the driver was given three penalty points and a £100 fine. His licence was also suspended until the tyres were replaced.

A Telford & Wrekin Council licensed taxi that was stopped passed the checks with no issues found.

As well as taxis, a number of other motorists were also stopped as part of the operation. Two drivers were fined for not wearing a seatbelt and another for carrying an insecure load and driving an unroadworthy vehicle.

Councillor Richard Overton (Lab) deputy leader and cabinet member for homes & enforcement said:

“Our enforcement officers accompanied West Mercia Police on a vehicle stop exercise where a number of vehicles, including taxis, were pulled over at Queen Elizabeth Avenue car park, Hollinswood.

“As a result, we issued fines or had vehicles taken off the road because of damage. These checks ensure that taxis meet the council’s rigorous standards and legal requirements. We were checking that plates and licences were displayed correctly, that tyres were correct and safe and drivers were wearing appropriate identification.

“It’s great to see how partnership working has come together with the aim of discouraging drivers from breaking the law, maintaining safety on our roads and reassuring the public.”

Complaints about taxi drivers licensed by Telford & Wrekin Council can be reported online. People can also call 01952 381818.

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