Telford & Wrekin Council offers £100 support for band E homes

Telford & Wrekin Council is offering over 5,000 homes in the borough in council tax band E a £100 payment to help with the increasing cost of living.

Telford & Wrekin Council offers £100 support for band E homes

Unlike the £150 energy rebate for homes in Bands A-D that the government is providing, this is a discretionary payment supported by the council’s own funds, to provide support for people living in band E homes in Telford and Wrekin

Most occupied properties in the borough in council tax band E are eligible for the payment and have received a letter explaining more.  

Councillor Shaun Davies (Lab), Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council, said: “We know that rising costs mean times are tough for a lot of people right now. When the government’s council tax rebate scheme was announced, it was great news for people in bands A to D, but did nothing for those in Band E, who feel the impact of rising fuel and energy costs too. 

“The Chancellor’s Spring Statement promised to extend the Household Support Fund, to give extra support to people who need it most, but we are yet to find out what extra funding will be allocated to us. 

“In Telford and Wrekin we know our residents are struggling now, and we’re on their side. That’s why we’ve announced this £100 discretionary support for homes in the borough in Band E, which we are making from our own funding. We understand that £100 isn’t a lot when bills are rising so much, but we hope it’s a little bit of help for those who need it too.

“Funds are, of course, limited so it is not possible for us to make a larger payment or to extend this additional discretionary support for all homes beyond band E, however it will also be available for people in band F-H properties who are already receiving council tax reduction support. 

“In total this extra help from Telford & Wrekin Council will see over 95% of all homes in the borough receiving some support. 

“We’re doing all that we can to get this money, and the money for people in bands A-D, to people as soon as possible and the fastest way we can do that is directly into bank accounts. If you already pay by direct debit then we’ll be transferring the money to you automatically as soon as we can. 

“If you don’t pay by direct debit, it may take longer to get your money to you. There’s still time to sign up and get your payment quicker.”

Payments for eligible homes (£150 for band A-D and £100 for band E) will be transferred automatically to those people who pay their council tax by direct debit. People who don’t pay by direct debit will then be contacted and invited to make a claim.

Anyone not currently paying by direct debit can sign up before Wednesday 6 April to receive their payment automatically. For more information, and to sign up for direct debit payments, visit:

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