Telford & Wrekin Council continues to crack down on rogue landlords

Telford & Wrekin Council is continuing to take action against rogue landlords who fail to provide important safety information about properties they own.

Telford & Wrekin Council continues to crack down on rogue landlords

It follows the trial of David Beattie who was fined over £3000 for failing to supply essential documents, including gas safety certificates, after notices had been served on him requiring him to provide the information.  

Mr Beattie appeared at Telford Magistrates Court in October and was fined for five offences relating to five different properties in the Telford and Wrekin borough under the Housing Act 2004.

As well as being sentenced for those offences, Mr Beattie pleaded guilty on 9 August 2021 to breaching the order and was subsequently convicted of the breach.

Telford & Wrekin Council was the first local authority to issue a banning order and Mr Beattie was the first landlord in the country to receive one.

He was fined £1000 in relation to breaching his banning order as well as being ordered to pay £1500 contribution towards prosecution costs and a further £100 victim surcharge.

Telford & Wrekin Council will investigate activity where landlords flout the law or ignore their legal responsibilities.

Residents can report rogue landlords or any concerns they have by contacting the rogue landlords team here.

Rogue landlords could be those that deliberately allow tenants to live in unsafe housing, aren’t using competent contractors, provide unfair terms in a tenancy agreement or rent a property which falls below the minimum efficiency standard.

Councillor Richard Overton, Telford & Wrekin Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety and Customer Services, said: “Landlords who are not providing or are withholding important information about their property are potentially putting their tenants in danger. 

“Our housing enforcement officers play a vital role in making sure people in rented properties across the borough have somewhere safe, secure and warm to live.

“This action shows that we are prepared to hold landlords accountable for the properties they own and to ensure that tenants in Telford and Wrekin are supported with any concerns they have.”

You can find out more information about reporting a problem or a rogue landlord in Telford and Wrekin here.

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