Activity competition comes to Telford and Wrekin schools

Schools in Telford and Wrekin are gearing up to take part in a friendly competition to see who can be the most active in the borough.

Eleven schools in Telford and Wrekin have signed up the first stage of the Let’s Get Telford Active School’s Challenge, which sees schools recording the amount of miles run or walked by pupils.

The Let’s Get Telford Active School’s Challenge features a different competition for each term, autumn term is the mile challenge, in winter schools will compete to finish the most ‘10 minute shakeups,’ and in spring the schools will vote to choose a challenge to undertake together.

Schools taking part include:

  • Aqueduct Primary School
  • HLC Primary School
  • Ladygrove Primary School
  • Lawley Primary
  • Meadows Primary School
  • Newport Girls’ High School
  • Old Park Primary School
  • St Matthew’s Primary
  • St Patrick’s Primary School
  • Wrockwardine Wood Infant School
  • Wrockwardine Wood Junior School

Maddie Griffin, Headteacher at HLC Primary, Said: “We are passionate about children being active in their daily lives as we know the impact is far reaching. It supports their mental health, emotional wellbeing and concentration.

We read together, learn together and we need to be active together. Children learn about healthy eating and the benefits of exercise in class-based lessons but it has much more impact when the children get to do this alongside their class teacher.

“Hopefully more schools will get involved in the school challenge like we are.”

Liz Noakes, Director of Public Health, said: “It’s exciting to see a number of schools taking part in the School’s Challenge.

“Encouraging regular activity in schools is important as it can improve attention in class, increase pupil’s enjoyment of lessons, and encourage healthy habits at a young age.”

You can follow how each school is doing on

Image: Pupils and teachers from HLC Primary taking part in the Telford School's Challenge.

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