Tender published for child sexual exploitation inquiry

The next stage of the process to hold an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Telford and Wrekin has got under way.

Tender published for child sexual exploitation inquiry

Organisations and individuals are being invited to tender to become the commissioning body. This is the body that will start to define what the inquiry will look into and also appoint the independent chair for the inquiry.

This is in accordance with the decision of Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet who have previously agreed a “double independent” process to maximise public confidence in the inquiry.

The Council, working with survivors and their representatives, have helped set up a Survivors Reference Group who already are – and will continue to have – an important role throughout the whole inquiry process.

The closing date for return of tenders is Friday 3 August and the contract will be awarded on Friday 24 August, with work by the Commissioning Body due to begin in early September.

Telford & Wrekin Council’s Monitoring Officer Jonathan Eatough said: “There is a desire on everyone’s part for this inquiry to happen as quickly as possible but we also have to make sure that the public has confidence that everything is above board and totally independent from the Council.

“We are therefore instigating a robust and thorough tendering process to attract as many potential suitable bidders.

“This will help us to select the best person or organisation for the job.”

A full meeting of Telford & Wrekin Council approved a motion earlier this year to commission and implement an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation within the borough.

Organisations interested in applying to tender can access the tender documents here:  https://www.delta-esourcing.com/tenders/UK-UK-Telford:-Investigation-services./EP3879ZDT7

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