The Legacy of Telford 50 – helping community centres across the borough
08 Mar 2019

Dozens of groups across the borough are improving a vast range of community buildings and facilities, thanks to the £2 million Telford 50 Legacy Fund.

The Legacy of Telford 50 – a new “Welcome To Telford”
01 Mar 2019

A number of new ‘Welcome to Telford’ signs are being installed at various “gateway” locations in the borough.

Rush of applications for the Community Events Grants
28 Feb 2019

Telford & Wrekin Council has received over 50 applications for the Community Events Grants that support communities to come together and organise their own events. The total value of the application..

Church designed by Thomas Telford benefits from Telford 50 grant
25 Feb 2019

St Leonard’s Church in Malinslee has benefited from a Telford 50 Legacy grant – meaning renovation and improvements works can take place to ensure the building’s sustainability.

Telford 50 grant brings new life into Newport key buildings
19 Feb 2019

Three of Newport’s key community buildings are undergoing significant improvements, benefiting those living, working and visiting Newport – thanks to Telford 50 Legacy Fund.

