New Family Network Pilot in Telford and Wrekin to strengthen support for borough families
08 Aug 2023

Telford & Wrekin Council is one of a handful of local authorities in the country to introduce the Family Network Pilot from this summer – helping borough families facing challenging situations to stay..

Over half of Telford and Wrekin primary schools are trauma informed
18 Jul 2023

Telford & Wrekin Council is helping schools across the borough become more aware of the impact of difficult experiences on children and young people. This approach, known as trauma informed, aims to p..

Crucial Crew returns to teach children the safety essentials
13 Jul 2023

More than 2300 year six students have attended Crucial Crew this year, an event which educates Telford and Wrekin pupils in safety essentials and helps them make the step up to secondary school.

First Family Hubs to launch in the borough this summer
07 Jul 2023

Telford & Wrekin Council is launching two Family Hubs in the borough this summer, in Sutton Hill and Woodside and is asking the public to vote for their names.

Action taken on recommendations in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Telford
05 Jul 2023

At the Full Council meeting next week (13 July), Members will consider an annual report into child sexual exploitation in the borough and an update on the progress made by the council on the recommend..

